[Coupon Reach] GoHighLevel Integration V2

[Coupon Reach] GoHighLevel Integration V2

February 01, 20251 min read

Go High Level has recently updated their integration process

 now moving away from copying the API key in high level sub accounts

 gonna go through the changes that they made and what you need to do in order to reintegrate your existing campaigns to your go high level subaccount.

Go to the campaigns menu in coupon reach and then click on campaign list and then click on the action button and once you do, you're gonna go to the properties area under actions

Once inside go to the top of the  screen , far right, you'll see, see more.

Click "See More" on that and then go to at the bottom you'll see go high level.

Once you're thereyou should see a screen very similar to thisAnd if you're not connectedthen you'll see this big old purple button that says connect to go high level button

Click  Connect to GHL 

Click on log in to sign into your go high level account.

Choose the subaccount you want to integrate

Choose your sub account and then once the confirmation page shows click on the click here to complete the process.

The  go high level properties page will then show that you are connected to go high level.

If you wish to disconnect the Go High Level sub account

Click on the Disconnect GHL button

 Another pop up is gonna appear to confirm that action has been completed and just click onOkto close the window

If you have an existing integration in your Coupon Reach campaignjust simply delete the   API key and click save
This will allow you to reintegrate your campaign to go high level with the new API

Have any questions?

Interested in adding Coupon Reach and/ or GHL to your account?

Reach out to support for additional assistance support@mylocalagency.co

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